🌟 Ready to Transform and Spark Joy in Your 💖 Relationships? 🎉 

😍We are rolling out our exclusive Weekly Zoom Mastermind Group for Joy-Filled Relationships…. 
On Tuesdays at 12 Noon EDT, beginning June 18, 2024!!!
❤️‍🩹 Are you tired of the same old relationship patterns dragging you down? 

✨ Learn to trust Jesus more so you can confidently add sparkle to your significant relationships.

💫 Become more effective in your approach to conflict and chaos in challenging relationships

👋🏻 Wave goodbye to feeling overstepped and undervalued. Learn how personal boundaries can protect your peace and nurture respect in your relationships.

💖 Get empowered to create connections that are safe and supportive. 

🔥Gain the tools, strategies and confidence to navigate what is acceptable in your life what isn’t!

(RSVP required to receive the Zoom Link.)

Sheri Geyer is a Boundaries Coach for Women

Are you open to unpacking areas in your life that may need a reset or exploring options that you've never considered as you seek to grow?  Are you ready to take the necessary steps to create Joy-Filled ❤️Relationships.? It will begin with the relationship you have with Yourself and learning to step in a more closer alignment with Jesus. To begin, schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching session with Sheri!
Here is the link... Get coaching with Sheri 

I'd like to invite you to Sign Up for My Free Weekly Mastermind Group beginning June 18, 2024 on Tuesdays at 12 noon EDT, https://joyfilledrelationships.com/page/mastermind

Would you like to learn more about establishing healthy boundaries so that you can cultivate relationships that bring more joy?  Join me on a 5-day Journey to do a deeper dive into discovering how you can find and maintain more joy-filled relationships... Sign up for Free here: https://joyfilledrelationships.com/landing/five-days


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