It’s simple! But it requires diligence. It’s the race between the tortoise and the hare. You won’t experience the living well difference the day after you implement a plan.
The reason we hesitate to lay out a life plan, or a budget, or a goal, or a weight management commitment is because it seems too much like we are giving up our rights to a real life.
This is merely an assumption.
What would it look like to map out a plan for your monthly expenses? What would you lose from knowing where your money goes? What could you gain from knowing where to allocate money so that it lasts until the end of the month? How would it feel to have a savings plan that could relieve some stress during an unplanned crisis or that would carry you through life?
The tortoise won the race because he stayed the course, remained focused, and he never, never, never gave up.
He mapped a plan, put one foot in front of the other, and continued to do the same thing until he got where he wanted, and not only that ~ he was the first one there.
The race is not always to the swift, but to the diligent. The one who works and plays smart.
You may not have all of the options that someone else may have, but if you take what you have and add to it the skills you need to tweak the areas that can serve you well, and learn to replicate what works, it is only a matter of time until you win.
Money, education, affiliation or any other privilege can never beat out what pure tenacity and endurance will provide to succeed in the game of life. The only way you win is to find every creative way possible to eliminate your temptation to quit. It worked for the tortoise!
What about a life plan? What ideas are swimming around in your mind that by putting to paper you could craft something that may open you up to greater possibilities toward creating the life you want?
I’m not specifically talking about money here. Having more money doesn’t mean less problems. In fact to the one whom much is given, much will be required. If money was the be all, end all, explain Hollywood to me.
No, it’s much more. It’s not about having what you want. It’s about learning to want what you have. It’s maximizing your potential by maximizing your impact.
You maximize your impact by positioning yourself to develop self-control around the components in life that are of the most value to you.
First God, your family, then work, then how well you steward what you have been blessed with.
It requires a plan – so you know where you are headed and have more than a rear view mirror to look at where you’ve been. (Ironically, the windshield, which is our view to where we are headed, is much larger than the rearview mirror which denotes where we've already been!)
Realizing where you’ve been is good – it’s part of getting you where you are.
But where you are going is the precipice for all of the beauty you will create in the tomorrows you are given.
You create those tomorrows by what you dream ~ today! Don’t forget that.
You have unbelievable potential within. It’s in your thoughts. Your positive thoughts are the precursors to all you can ever hope to achieve or accomplish.
How are you managing these thoughts? Are you content to simply think about what tomorrow can look like? What would it look like to spend 10 – 20 minutes daily in some quiet and focused time to consider what your future could be and lean into the One who holds it?
To tap into your internal hopes and desires, consider getting a coach or a mentor. Speaking with someone who is trained to listen and ask questions that help you dig deep can provide you with some valuable insights as to how to do some necessary planting of good seeds and pruning of unnecessary areas in your life plan to experience the best of life.
If you left Atlanta, Georgia for Seattle, Washington on a road trip, you wouldn’t consider not having a map or a gps to chart your route.
What would life be like if you were to map the route to how you want to live it, love it and share it?
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Pack your tortoise shell well; you’ll need it to stay the course.
Forget about how fast the hare is; don’t worry about the chirping either internally or externally telling you that you can't possibly....
You need only to grasp one focus ~ I think I can, I think I can …
If you change your mindset, you will change your life!
Until next time,,,,
-Sheri xo
P.S. As I write this post today, I received news that a very special lady I met 40 years ago this summer, has completed her earthly assignments and has entered into the presence of the Lord she loves. Mimi lived a full and colorful life. She was truly one who knew the difference in living and living well! She taught me many things, not the least of which was to cook. (She is my mother-in-love from my former marriage). I was blessed to have her insights, humor and simple wisdom for many years. We never ended a conversation without her saying, "You know I love ya!"
Mimi, I love you too. Thank you for all you taught me and for helping me through some rough seasons. Thank you for shaping my life as only you could and especially for the beautiful way you loved my girls! They are eternally blessed to have your love and your genes! I will see you again!
Sheri Geyer is a Boundaries Coach for Women
Are you open to unpacking areas in your life that may need a reset or exploring options that you've never considered as you seek to grow? Are you ready to take the necessary steps to create Joy-Filled ❤️Relationships.? It will begin with the relationship you have with Yourself and learning to step in a more closer alignment with Jesus. To begin, schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching session with Sheri!
Here is the link... Get coaching with Sheri
I'd like to invite you to Sign Up for My Free Weekly Mastermind Group beginning June 18, 2024 on Tuesdays at 12 noon EDT,
Would you like to learn more about establishing healthy boundaries so that you can cultivate relationships that bring more joy? Join me on a 5-day Journey to do a deeper dive into discovering how you can find and maintain more joy-filled relationships... Sign up for Free here:
Before we can cultivate 'safe' relationships, we have to know what that even looks like.
Being 'safe' means being free from harm and risk. Think on that for a moment. We feel safe when we lock our doors, wear seatbelts, wear the correct gear on our adventures and stay within our boundaries. We keep our valuables in a safe. When the base runner touches homeplate without being tagged, he is safe.
As noted, each of these instances allow us to experience freedom from harm or risk, at least it is the best 'we' can do. Accidents can still happen when we wear our seatbelts or protective gear; however, if something were to happen and we and those we hold dear are protected to the best of our ability, we may experience less regret or trauma, especially if the unthinkable happens.
What is a 'safe' person, you may ask. Great question. I have a very succinct and accurate definition of what I believe describes someone who is a safe person.
"A safe person is someone who does not put you on edge".
Although, a simple definition, I want to break this down into a more definitive description because I believe when it comes to relationships, our emotions can play a huge part in the people we 'choose' to be in relationship with.
So, let me add a dose of logic.
Safe People help us to grow and become better people. Here are some ways they add value to our lives;
*They listen to us.
*They are relatable, not attempting to be perfect or trying to control or fix us.
*They are reliable to follow through on their promises when they say they will do something or be somewhere.
*They accept us without judgment.
*They manage their emotions.
*We can be ourselves around them.
*We are able to trust them.
*They treat themselves and others well.
We cannot very well understand what a safe relationship might look like unless we are aware of what we are facing if we deal with 'unsafe' relationships.
Unsafe people can often be characterized as those who abandon us when they aren't comfortable with what we are saying or facing. They can be critical, speaking truth without love or not willing to offer grace or forgiveness.
Some unsafe people are simply irresponsible, and make excuses rather than necessary changes. They blame others and aren't willing to own their actions or mistakes. They may borrow and not repay. They add more stress and chaos than joy in our relationships.
Some unsafe people may be caring and fun. However, their lack of dependability or responsibility can be a source of irritation if they are continually late or neglectful in meeting us at restaurants or important events or in paying back money we may loan them. They may mean well but don't make the effort to communicate in a timely manner or follow through what they say they will do.
If we continue to allow these behaviors in important relationships without addressing them, we can grow to resent them. They may not necessarily be mean or hurtful toward us, just careless. Continuing to enable these unsafe patterns can be harmful to the relationship.
God's Word teaches us that others will know we are followers of Jesus by our love for Him and for them. We can better demonstrate our love for others when the close relationships that support us are with safe people.
Safe relationships offer us the comfort of being supported by folks who will take responsibility for doing the hard work in life which at times can be difficult.
If I were to step outside when it's raining and slip and fall, it would not be my fault. However, I would have to be the one to take the initiative to see a doctor, possibly face surgery, go to physical therapy and rest so my body can heal. This would be the hard work needed to restore health to my body.
Or the other option I could choose if I were an unsafe person, would be to not be pro-active in taking action for what my body may need to heal.
I could stay angry, stuck and bitter for a long time. I could blame others for the situation.
God caused it to rain. The contractor who designed my driveway was incompetent. Yada yada yada...
I could hold onto what happened to me with a vengeance as though I am a victim. I could continually complain and ruminate over it to anyone who cared enough to listen for as long as I could get away with it. I could wear my pain like a badge.
A lot of what separates safe and unsafe people is the willingness or lack thereof, to own their lives and the fact that sometimes difficult things happen. Not everything that happens is caused by someone else's negligence. And God can work it all together for good if we allow Him to. Even if it's a hard thing.
Another thing that can differentiate between a safe or unsafe person is the willingness to always be truthful. Period. No excuses.
Regardless of where we are in life and where we've been, we can move ourselves toward being more of a safe person by taking responsibility to do the things that we need to do to manage our lives well.
My grandmother often said that anytime I was pointing at someone else (as the problem), I have three fingers pointing back at me. (Make a fist and then point with your index finger... your middle finger, ring finger and pinky are all pointing back at you).
If I am to live my best life, it must begin with me accepting what I cannot change, changing whatever I can... and leaning on God to learn the difference.
One of the great things about finding supportive, safe relationships is that safe people actually have a better capacity and desire to connect and have close relationships. That's not always true for those who are not safe.
You are likely to receive true compassion and empathy from safe people. As well as experiencing them being willing to act on their compassion, as opposed to just talking about it. Or being showy about it.
Safe people will show up for us, keep our secrets, pray with us, apologize when they've hurt us and mean it, forgive us, be a positive influence, not flatter us, always tell us what we need to hear, and be someone we can rely on to be consistent as opposed to unstable.
One of the best gifts you will ever give yourself is to find and become a safe person. We do become like those we associate with.
I'm not saying we are to give up every relationship we have unless these people fit the bill that I've described. However, there is a snowball effect of becoming a safe person. When we surround ourselves with people who live out the principles of God's Word, eventually we become safe(r) people as well.
That being said, we can then positively influence all of our relationships by being safe for them to learn and grow. We do this by being open to feedback and not defensive. We cease faking fine and admit our weaknesses.
We are able to be spiritual instead of religious when we deal with our issues rather than refuse to take responsibility for them. With the right relationships in our lives, we learn humility and the ability to change things that we need to change.
As we gain more safety, we will be one that others can trust.
If you desire to learn more about Safe People, here are a few things to consider. Find a friend and a support group of individuals who want the same thing. There is a great book, "Safe People" by Christian Psychologists, Henry Cloud & John Townsend that will give you a birdsye view of what it's all about. And finally, face your fear of doing hard things.
One of the ways you can learn more about safe people, setting healthy boundaries and creating joy-filled relationships is to join me live every Tuesday at 12 noon EDT on the Joy-Filled Relationships Mastermind Group for women. You can register here to receive the link and access to an online portal that allows you to view each week's replay:
Sheri Geyer is a Boundaries Coach for Women
Are you open to unpacking areas in your life that may need a reset or exploring options that you've never considered as you seek to grow? Are you ready to take the necessary steps to create Joy-Filled ❤️Relationships.? It will begin with the relationship you have with Yourself and learning to step in a more closer alignment with Jesus. To begin, schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching session with Sheri!
Here is the link... Get coaching with Sheri
I'd like to invite you to Sign Up for My Free Weekly Mastermind Group beginning June 18, 2024 on Tuesdays at 12 noon EDT,
Would you like to learn more about establishing healthy boundaries so that you can cultivate relationships that bring more joy? Join me on a 5-day Journey to do a deeper dive into discovering how you can find and maintain more joy-filled relationships... Sign up for Free here:
How often do we neglect developing new habits because we think a positive outcome will take too much effort? Or maybe we start to improve our life or relationships only to give up prematurely because we don’t get the desired outcome we want fast enough.
It’s easy to allow today’s challenges to become tomorrow’s excuses.
Have you wondered how you became a member of the Start-Big-Finish-Small-if-at-All-Club? Perhaps, you’ve set your target for needed improvements that are difficult to reach.
Often, the pain of disappointment can leave us feeling burned out with little desire to follow through. Remember, we do have options.
The breakthrough we need may be to practice thinking small to help transform our life and relationships. By thinking small, consider that all of our 'good' ideas can be channeled through a funnel, however, what is added at the wide end of the funnel is much larger than what makes it through the narrow end of it.
Once we consider our options, it will become obvious that some things clearly will not be ideal. Let's focus on the ones that may be doable. Eventually, we will be able to narrow them down to what will actually move us closer to the end result we desire.
Most everything works out for the best, if we are willing to make the best out of the way things work out. (Say that fast three times!) It sounds cliche' however, there is a lot of truth in the fact that accepting what we cannot change releases us from feeling 'stuck'.
Often, we may be full of ideas and eager to establish a new plan of action when we have finally gotten to the point that we will admit that something needs to change.
If our ideals become our only options, we may soon realize it’s easy to bite off more than we can chew. We want rapid success and no hitches.
The size of the task and the time it takes to get there may make it tempting to throw in the towel. By focusing on the here and now, it is easier to find a steady pace. Besides, slow and steady worked for the tortoise!
And, how do you eat an elephant? One. Bite. At. A. Time.
Whatever you hope to gain in your endeavors, it's imperative to decide precisely what it is you want, and be specific as you define what exactly it is you hope to achieve. If we aim at nothing, we will hit it every time.
Reflect on why you desire this outcome. If you've been tracking with me for any time at all, you know that I am a dyed-in-the-wool fan of journaling. So I can say that I believe that dreams and goals are often more “real” if they are written.
Decide what is a reasonable length of time to realize your desire and be realistic. Make it measurable so you will have a target at which to aim. Once you have a clearly defined idea of the what, why and how long to reach the outcome we are hoping for, we can break down the entire process.
Here are a few tips for breaking it down into bite-size pieces:
1. Brainstorm all of your options and determine what is doable. Then consider how the ones you have chosen can be divided into smaller, detailed steps. Each task is a stepping stone towards achieving your end result.
2. Simplify the action plan. Think of the steps as actions. When you understand what actions are needed to achieve your desired result, you can pull these together into a plan.
3. Establish daily and weekly tasks. When you create your action plan, work out a series of targets that you believe are possible to reach on the way to your goal. Keep it simple with many small victories to keep the momentum.
4. Keep on track. The small-scale approach is flexible and allows for instant changes. Continue tweaking and completing the simple tasks so the end result will be well within your grasp.
5. Focus on your daily actions plans and not so much on the end date. Like the tortoise, concentrate on one small step and repeat consistently.
6. Master the art of delaying gratification. Though you may be tempted, avoid trying to rush things and bite off more than you can chew. Refer to the reasons why you want the desired goal. Concentrate on where you are in the journey, and not on what’s next. Reflect on how far you’ve come and what a waste it would be to throw in the towel.
7. Be gentle with yourself and you move through unchartered territory. Often, the best things for us are new and challenging. Celebrate every single win! It's hard work... but God created us to be able to do hard things!
In order for us to grow, we will need to allow ourselves to be stretched at times.
In most endeavors, if we don’t grow, our plans and goals won’t either.
Long-lasting lifestyle change requires an investment of our time and effort, as well as some patience. The road to achieving great things is much less intimidating when you break down the end result into smaller steps.
And absolutely nothing can compare to how you will feel when you finally make it to the place you wanted to be.
If this encourages you, share it with a Friend!
Until next time....
-Sheri xo
Hey Friend....The Joy-Filled Relationships Weekly Zoom Mastermind meets on Tuesdays 12 Noon EDT. Sign Up here: This is a Free group where we encourage one another to create joy-filled relationships.... even when it is hard!
Sheri Geyer is a Boundaries Coach for Women
Are you open to unpacking areas in your life that may need a reset or exploring options that you've never considered as you seek to grow? Are you ready to take the necessary steps to create Joy-Filled ❤️Relationships.? It will begin with the relationship you have with Yourself and learning to step in a more closer alignment with Jesus. To begin, schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching session with Sheri!
Here is the link... Get coaching with Sheri
I'd like to invite you to Sign Up for My Free Weekly Mastermind Group beginning June 18, 2024 on Tuesdays at 12 noon EDT,
Would you like to learn more about establishing healthy boundaries so that you can cultivate relationships that bring more joy? Join me on a 5-day Journey to do a deeper dive into discovering how you can find and maintain more joy-filled relationships... Sign up for Free here:
🌟 Ready to Transform and Spark Joy in Your 💖 Relationships? 🎉
😍We are rolling out our exclusive Weekly Zoom Mastermind Group for Joy-Filled Relationships….
On Tuesdays at 12 Noon EDT, beginning June 18, 2024!!!
❤️🩹 Are you tired of the same old relationship patterns dragging you down?
✨ Learn to trust Jesus more so you can confidently add sparkle to your significant relationships.
💫 Become more effective in your approach to conflict and chaos in challenging relationships
👋🏻 Wave goodbye to feeling overstepped and undervalued. Learn how personal boundaries can protect your peace and nurture respect in your relationships.
💖 Get empowered to create connections that are safe and supportive.
🔥Gain the tools, strategies and confidence to navigate what is acceptable in your life what isn’t!
Sign Up for Free Here:
(RSVP required to receive the Zoom Link.)
Sheri Geyer is a Boundaries Coach for Women
Are you open to unpacking areas in your life that may need a reset or exploring options that you've never considered as you seek to grow? Are you ready to take the necessary steps to create Joy-Filled ❤️Relationships.? It will begin with the relationship you have with Yourself and learning to step in a more closer alignment with Jesus. To begin, schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching session with Sheri!
Here is the link... Get coaching with Sheri
I'd like to invite you to Sign Up for My Free Weekly Mastermind Group beginning June 18, 2024 on Tuesdays at 12 noon EDT,
Would you like to learn more about establishing healthy boundaries so that you can cultivate relationships that bring more joy? Join me on a 5-day Journey to do a deeper dive into discovering how you can find and maintain more joy-filled relationships... Sign up for Free here:
Life balance is often misunderstood. Many people think it simply means that we just need to juggle our plates and successfully keep them all up in the air.
This would perhaps be in a perfect world.
But balance doesn’t mean perfection.
Balance is more about level — in accounting, things must add up. In physics, what goes up, must come down.
In life, we don’t want to live like a gazelle being chased by a cheetah all the time — we’d be in a code red, high adrenaline, super stress world. Possibly a heart attack or stroke waiting for a place to happen.
Balance is more about a calm and stable default setting that allows us to make decisions based on personal values.
This level of calm assists us in being assertive and confident in setting healthy limits (personal boundaries) in life and work situations.
Which, in turn allows us to enjoy our time for rest and relaxation.
It also aids us in not constantly carrying around mental homework in an effort to to work out all the unknowns in our world.
Balance means that we are more likely to be intentional in the moment ~ and possibly more aware of the moments that take our breath away.
As opposed to running around wondering if all the work and worry is reducing the number of breaths we have left to take.
As we struggle with these kinds of issues, it often helps reveal to us what we truly want and need when we are seeking “life balance”.
It is the calmness and security of being able to manage the things we treasure, i.e. our feelings, thoughts, talents, attitudes, behavior, personal well-being, etc. so in effect, we are able to pro-actively confront our issues in life without a perpetual feeling of being overwhelmed.
For me, it’s about owning my life and choosing who and what to allow into it. This has made what is most important in my life — my relationships — more peaceful, loving and respectful.
I don’t want to stress over things I’m unable to change. I need the energy for the times when I do have stress … or, for the adventure I want to jump into with both feet!
One thing I know I cannot change is others' and how they do life.
And how do I want my life to be different today and everyday?
I want to intentionally make an effort to live, eat, write, think, work, and focus from a mindset that I personally choose. Not one that I land in every time the unexpected happens.
It means I have to consciously rework my default settings. And to avoid the negative patterns that reoccur when I am not doing life based on what I value most.
My desire is to have a default setting that is a calm, safe and secure in the knowledge that God will always provide the strength I need day-by-day to manage the life He has given to me.
When my adrenaline rushes (the extreme) come in, I want to be aware when I am tempted to allow more in my life that I am able to manage.
God will always provide the time, resources, support and accountability for all He has for me.
My job is to routinely take the initiative to renew my mind with His truth and love, being strengthened by the relationships I have with those that support and encourage me, as well as the ones that have permission to hold me accountable to do what I say and finish what I start.
My life keeps getting better. Not because of more money or more stuff – but mostly because of more awareness around the true balance I have tapped into by learning that every day holds challenges and successes ~ and that truly what I look for is what I will find, be it bad or good.
As for me, I want to make the choice each day to live with the mantra, that indeed, 'Life is Good'.
After all, I’ve got the tee shirt; that should prove it!
At times, I can laugh at how busy I used to be. I was serious about my ability to be polished in every area. I could be an excellent wife, be a good mom to my three girls, manage my home, organize finances, volunteer when anyone asked, cook, clean etc.
I could do it all, and then some. At least that is what I would tell myself.
I thought that was the path to peace. All I needed to do was keep all those plates in the air.
Everyone was doing it all, so I wanted to look as good as everyone else.
As a young stay-at-home mom, I had an extra drive to prove myself because, 'they' were watching to see if I could accomplish this feat. (I still ask myself, "Who are 'They?'")
I was convinced that more was required. Meals had to be from scratch. I had to use cloth diapers. No shortcuts!
I didn’t want to do it all. Doing it all made me exhausted. Doing it all cost me relationships with those that mattered most to me.
It was great. Until it wasn't. Until I realized it was not true at all.
Until I purposefully left the life of chronic busyness, I couldn’t see how futile it really was.
Doing it all caused me stress, loss of sleep and anger when my world was out of my control.
My busyness was less productive and more chaotic that I would ever admit to.
After all of the disappointment and a few good doses of reality, I made the decision that a overly busy life wasn’t a life for me.
Being a good person, loving wife, mother and friend…that was the life I wanted.
Next to that, I wanted the freedom to do things that I was passionate about instead of things that weighed heavy on me because they mostly felt like obligations. Certainly not something I could be cheerful about.
Becoming less busy is not an accident, but a decision we need to make intentionally.
My epiphany came when I realized that busyness did not necessarily equate to fruitfulness.
The snare of busyness is that sometimes you can be so busy, you don’t recognize you might be in trouble.
You can become so overwhelmed that you can’t figure out how to change.
You can get so used to being busy that you create more work to organize your life so you can be even busier with the hopes of accomplishing more.
And, for what? I was miserable and yet trying to create more misery. A catch-22.
You may be caught up in the busyness trap, if…
* You respond to “how are you?” with “crazy busy” or “busy but good”
* You spend time worrying about how busy you are going to be tomorrow
* You get angry when your spouse or others who aren’t as busy as you
* You are up at night thinking about everything you didn’t get done
* You let people know how late you stay at work or how much you get done
* You zone out during conversations thinking about all you have to do
* You volunteer for things you don’t care about
* You spend time complaining about how overwhelmed you feel
* You make list after list to make sure you don’t forget anything
* You regularly eat in your car or on the go
* You use your phone in the car because “it’s the only time you have to talk”
If you are anything like I was, you may be busy because you simply don’t know how to be un-busy.
You may be busy out of misdirected guilt because you think if you do enough, you will be enough.
When you decide that it is acceptable to live life your way, you can stop being busy and start doing things that matter.
You can talk about your meaningful day instead of ranting about your busy schedule.
Decide today that you are enough, even if you never do anything, accomplish anything or produce anything ever again.
You are enough.
How to be less busy...
* Be unproductive on purpose
* Limit the times you check email each day
* Delete and toss email that you don’t need to read
* Set your phone to silent and turn your computer off when you aren’t working
* Turn everything off in the car (except the car)
* Put your iPad down
* When you help someone, let it be from love, not obligation
* Do less, be more
* Stop trying to keep up, measure up or catch up
While you may think that you are making sacrifices for others by being busy, you are likely sacrificing the same relationships you think you are saving.
Get real and consider what is most important to you. Then do that first. The rest will wait.
Practice guarding your life from the thief of busyness…
Until next time....
-Sheri xo
***If over-commitment is an ongoing concern in your life, consider establishing some healthy personal boundaries for yourself. The only thing you have to lose is a default setting that really may not be serving you well.
**If you'd like to see if Boundaries Coaching could help you navigate these challenges, I invite you to consider booking a complimentary 30-minute coaching call with me to gain some insights... Reach out to me: and I'll provide a link to a complimentary call.
Sheri Geyer is a Boundaries Coach for Women
Are you open to unpacking areas in your life that may need a reset or exploring options that you've never considered as you seek to grow? Are you ready to take the necessary steps to create Joy-Filled ❤️Relationships.? It will begin with the relationship you have with Yourself and learning to step in a more closer alignment with Jesus. To begin, schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching session with Sheri!
Here is the link... Get coaching with Sheri
I'd like to invite you to Sign Up for My Free Weekly Mastermind Group beginning June 18, 2024 on Tuesdays at 12 noon EDT,
Would you like to learn more about establishing healthy boundaries so that you can cultivate relationships that bring more joy? Join me on a 5-day Journey to do a deeper dive into discovering how you can find and maintain more joy-filled relationships... Sign up for Free here: